Protexin Veterinary supporting StreetVet
For every lunch and learn booked with Protexin Veterinary from April-December 2022 £5 is donated to StreetVet!
StreetVet is a registered charity that offers free accessible vet care to pets belonging to those experiencing homelessness. What started as 2 vets and a backpack in 2016, is now fuelled by hundreds of veterinary volunteers outreaching in 17 locations across the U.K. Anything that can be done in a consulting room, StreetVet does on the street but if surgery or more diagnostics or hospitalisation is needed, StreetVet work with a network of practices and will fund procedures and if necessary transport.
We offer Lunch & Learn's across all of our ranges including gastrointestinal, joint, hepatic, urinary & dermatology. You can help us in supporting them by booking in a lunch and learn using the form below and we will donate £5 to Street Vet for every one booked.